HKSSiH Annual Scientific Conference Cum Annual General Meeting 2023:
Integration of Simulation into Training

Message from the President
Dear esteemed guests, members, and delegates,
It is with immense pleasure and great honor that we extend a warm welcome to each one of you to the highly anticipated Annual Scientific Meeting of 2023. On this day of 16th of September, we are coming together to explore and celebrate the marvels of healthcare simulation.
This year’s meeting has been meticulously crafted with two primary objectives. Firstly, we aim to forge meaningful connections between both seasoned simulation instructors and aspiring trainees. Our belief in the power of collaboration drives us to create an environment that fosters mutual learning and growth. Together, we will embark on a journey to elevate the realm of simulation in healthcare to new heights.
Secondly, this gathering shall serve as a vibrant platform for sharing knowledge and expertise in various facets of simulation. We have curated an array of topics to ensure a comprehensive exchange of insights, ranging from designing intricate scenarios to the seamless execution of simulations. Furthermore, discussions will encompass invaluable insights on organizing and managing simulation centers and upcoming development locally. The meeting will be adorned with the latest advancements and developments in the field, enabling us to collectively embrace the ever-evolving landscape of simulation science.
As we unite at this Annual Scientific Meeting, let us remember that we stand on the shoulders of giants – those who have tirelessly dedicated themselves to advancing simulation in healthcare. Their legacy drives us forward as we seek to improve patient outcomes, enhance medical education, and revolutionize our approach to healthcare through the art of simulation.
I extend my deepest gratitude to our organizing committee, whose unwavering dedication has brought this remarkable event to fruition. Moreover, I am grateful to each participant, whose presence enriches the fabric of this gathering and reinforces our collective commitment to excellence.
Be prepared for a memorable experience on this day of 16th of September 2023. The Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Society of Simulation in Healthcare promises to be a momentous occasion, one that will shape the trajectory of simulation-based education and practice in healthcare.
Together, let us embrace the future of healthcare simulation!
Warm regards,
President, Hong Kong Society of Simulation in Healthcare
Welcome Message from Conference Chairs
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the Hong Kong Society for Simulation in Healthcare (HKSSiH) Annual Scientific Conference 2023. After a few years of suspension of face-to-face simulation activities arranged by our society, we hope that this conference can gather friends who are interested in medical simulation as well as dedicated colleagues working in healthcare education together to enhance the quality of education and delivery of healthcare service through simulation-based training.
This year, our theme is “Integration of simulation into training”. We aim to connect clinicians and academicians in different healthcare professions who have great passion in simulation to share, exchange ideas and strive to develop better simulation education. We have invited medical experts in the simulation field and academics from different higher education institutions to share their expertise and insights on a wide range of topics from macro level such as setup and running of simulation centre; up to micro level such as simulation design and implementation to debriefing. We will also have the chance to explore new technologies and innovations that are transforming the way we approach medical education.
By coming together to share ideas and best practices, we can continue to advance the field of medical simulation and improve the quality of healthcare for all.
So let us embrace this opportunity to learn, grow, and collaborate, as we work together to shape the future of medical education. Once again, welcome to the HKSSiH Annual Scientific Conference.
Conference Information
16th September, 2023 (Sat)
9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
Registration Fee
Member/student: HKD 100 (Early bird*)/HKD 200
Non-Member: HKD 300 (Early bird*)/HKD 600
*Early bird: register by
31st Aug, 2023 (extended)
AM/PM Tea breaks included;
Abstract submission due date
Extended to 15th August, 2023
Early Bird Registration due date
15th August, 2023
Conference program at a glance:
The conference ebook is available

Invited Lectures
Workshop on manikin

Symposium on Simulation Scenario Design
Free paper presentation

Registration and Abstract Submission:
*a google account is needed for registration

Free paper presentation
Abstract submission
Template for abstract here
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